Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Two Cent Tuesdays- Blog Wild

Welcome to two-cent Tuesdays, where I will be giving my two-cents worth on various topics. (Ok, I know it's Wednesday, but I had this idea yesterday and was too busy to post, so that counts, right?) Today's topic: blogging. Real original, huh?

I remember when blogging first came out. It seemed like EVERYONE was participating. It was THE thing to do. But the posts would be daily diary entries or play-by-plays of what we did each day:

"Today I hit the snooze TWICE and then got ready for another day of work. I had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch and met some friends at Chili's for dinner."

LAME! (Hey, I did it too, don't get offended!) No one wants to read the monotonous details of another person's life. In fact, I remember seeing a t-shirt at a store around that time that simply said, "NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR BLOG." HAHA! I loved it, even though I was guilty of the crime of lame diary-blogging myself.

But now, blogging has become a useful, therapeutic, and even money-making tool for this tech-savvy generation. Want to be inspired with helpful weight-loss tips, tricks, and anecdotes? There's a blog for that. Need advice on how to be a better parent? There's a blog for that. Need ideas for new recipes? There's a blog for that. And the list goes on...

One thing I like about reading other people's blogs is that it can help you feel more "normal." If "Susie Momblogger" blogs about her struggles with getting her child to go to bed at night, you can read it and feel at ease that you are not alone in the fight of motherhood. If this is the fifteenth time you've started your diet this year (and it's only January 31st), you can find a blog that gives tips, suggestions, and even stories of other people struggling with the same thing. We all need to feel like we're not alone in this world, right?

There's an awesome blog that was featured in my Alma Mater's quarterly magazine.

She makes her own home decor, mostly out of things she already has lying around, and she is fantastic! I have always considered myself "crafty," but never really found my niche. I tried the scrapbooking thing, and although it could be fun, it got awfully expensive to do the detailing I wanted, and it was extremely time-consuming. I've done a few DIY home decor crafts and have loved it. Those little projects don't (typically) take up a lot of time, and usually require only a few materials. It's easy to feel accomplished with only a little time and a little money (or no money at all!). After finding this blog with her easy-to-follow and EXTREMELY beautiful decor ideas, I am newly-inspired to steer my creativity in that direction.

We are super broke right now while my husband is studying to become a physician assistant. So our house has had just some bare essentials as far as decor goes. I'm so excited to get started on some of these little projects to add life to our home!

So, what are some blogs that you follow? How are they useful to you? Do you have an idea for a blog? I'm interested to hear!


  1. Blogs I read...

  2. I LOVE Pioneer Woman's blog!

    I'm still trying to find my blog niche and my crafty niche! My blog is pretty boring so far, mostly just a bunch of recipes and stuff I've tried but I'm working on it! Thanks for the inspiration!
