Sunday, September 6, 2009

Time to Prioritize

Camden has done more before 9:00 AM this morning than most of us do in a whole day:

6:30 Wake up and enjoy some family time

6:50 Personal devotional time (with his Praise Baby DVD)

7:15 Enjoy a healthy breakfast

7:35 Bath time

7:45 Exercise

8:00 Nap

8:30 Get dressed and ready for church

8:50 Leave for church!

I could stand to get my priorities straight and make the most out of my time like that. Thanks, Camden for teaching mommy a valuable lesson in priorities and time management. And for being stinkin' cute while doing it.


  1. That's a lesson for us all! Thanks for sharing, and making me think. -Dan Bailey

  2. That's cute Brenna... although I would have to say his mommy should give herself some credit... his priorities probably wouldn't be so straight if HE was not her top priority. Good job Mommy, Brenna.

