...but the guy may have been on to something with the whole "never growing up" concept.
I am the proud mom of a three month old (cutest one this side of Never Never Land, if you ask me). He is growing and changing so fast, I literally have a new child every morning I wake up. And while most moms are caught saying things like "I can't wait for him to be big enough to walk" or "It will be so fun when he's old enough to do (fill in the blank), I'm saying the opposite.
Now while I'd like to say that it's because I want to cherish each cute little phase he is going through and bask in the excitement of each newly-met milestone, I wouldn't be completely honest. Of course, like any good mom, those things are great and I do beam with pride at every little thing the munchkin does. But the main reason I don't want him to "grow up" just yet is Wal-Mart. Yes, you read that correctly...Wal-Mart.
In a recent trip to the place I hate to love, I didn't even make it through the double automatic doors before I saw some child crying and making a fit over what they couldn't get from the toy section. I made my way to the produce area only to see a distressed (to say the least) mommy picking up an avalanche of grapes that her toddler threw on the ground for no reason whatsoever. I heard a page over the intercom for a man to make his way to the customer service desk where his son, who had gotten lost, was waiting.
Then I looked down at my cart, where my perfect little angel is sleeping peacefully in his carrier, clueless about where we are, unable to grab at produce, run three aisles away, or beg for every toy in the G.I. Joe section. And I just smiled.
Yes, my son does some pretty adorable things, and I have no doubt that as he gets older he'll continue to be precious in my eyes. But for now, I will enjoy THIS phase, and laugh at other moms behind their backs as they encounter the other phases they were so eager to reach. (And I'll pray that when my son gets to the teenager phase HE will not wear tights or hang out with fairies, but that is a whole other blog post!)
Brenna! I'm so happy you're blogging. Loved reading the first few posts. I hope I get to meed Camden soon. :)